Things I'm learning

I'm currently completing a Masters Of Information Technology at UQ. I am continuously upskilling in modern tech via online courses to supplement my post graduate learning.

  • Master Of Information Technology

    Completing a Masters of Information Technology at the Universiry Of Queensland (2023 - 2025). Succesfully completed courses including Intro To Software Engineering and Web Development.

    UQ Masters

  • Joy Of React

    75% through this fantastic resource for learning React fundamentals at a deeper level. An invaluable resource for a deeper understanding of React concepts (i.e State and Hooks).

    Joy Of React

  • CSS For JS Devs

    After enjoying Josh's Joy Of React course, I decided to pick up his CSS course. With a good grasp of CSS, I want to take my knowledge of CSS to the next level.

    CSS For JS Devs

  • The Odin Project

    Completed The Odin Project in 2022. As an aspiring web developer, the fullstack Javascript course taught me the fundamentals of programming.

    The Odin Project


Stuff I've Built

Here are some of the projects I've built in my free time or as part of courses. I'm a big believer in project based learning, and try to keep a good ratio of building vs learning new things.

  • Twitter Clone

    Recreating my favorite social media platform with React frontend and Firebase backend.


  • Weather App

    A simple weather app that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to display the current weather, humidity, wind, and max/min.

  • JS To Do

    To do app built using vanilla JS, webpack, and local storage. It allows you to add, edit, and delete tasks.

  • Rarible Clone

    Recreating a popular NFT marketplace with React frontend and local storage backend. Building commerce functionality like PDP and Cart

    Rarible Clone

  • PokeMemory

    I love Pokemon, so when learning React I made a cool little memory game app